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Military Pension Records for
John McFann

Contents of John McFann's Pension File (National Archives, SC 125145):
  1. Letter from the Adjutant General's Office to the Commissioner of Pensions, 15 September 1864
  2. Widow's Application for Army Pension, 14 June 1864
  3. Copy of Marriage Certificate for John McFann and Sabina Malone, 14 June 1864
  4. Claim of Widow for an Increase of Pension, 3 November 1866
  5. Affidavit of Margaret Malone, 3 November 1866
  6. Affidavits of Sabina McFann and Rebecca Searl, 4 November 1866, and Thomas McGoveny, Physician, 6 November 1866
  7. Affidavit of Rachel McFann [page two only], 14 November, 1866
  8. Claim for Increase of Widow's Pension, 1867
  9. Affidavit of Sabina McFann, 26 October 1867
  10. Certificate of Marriage, Thomas Hartley to Sabina McFann, 21 May 1868
  11. Claim for Minor's Pension with Two Dollars per Month Additional, 1869

Letter from the Adjutant General's Office, 15 September 1864:

Adjutant General's Office
Washington, D. C.
Sept 15th 1864

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of application for Pension No. 54,897, and to return it herewith, with such information as is furnished by the files of this Office.

It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office that John McFann was enrolled on the 7th day of Aug, 1862, at Portsmouth Ohio in Co. D, 1st Heavy Art'y Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, to serve 3 years, or during the war, and mustered into service as a Priv on the 13th day of Sept, 1862, at Camp Portsmouth Ohio in Co. D, 1st Heavy Art'y Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, to serve three years, or during the war. On the Muster Roll of Co. D of that Regiment, for the months of May & June 1864, he is reported John McFann "Died of disease at at Genl Hospital Knoxville Tenn May 24th 1864." nature of disease not stated

Widow's Application for Army Pension, 14 June 1864:

State if Ohio County of Scioto SS.

On this 14 day of June, A. D. 1864, personally appeared before me the clerk of the County Court, a Court of Record, within and for the County and State aforesaid, Mrs Sabina McFann a resident of the township of Vernon in the State of Ohio, aged 37 years, who, being duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress approved July 14, 1862: That she is the widow of John McFann deceased, who was a Private in company D commanded by Capt. Barnes in the 1st regiment of (4) Ohio Heavy Artillery commanded by Col. Hawley in the war of 1861, and who died (5) at asylum no 1., Hospital, Knoxville, in the service aforesaid, at Knoxville in the State of Tennessee on or about the 23rd day of May A.D. 1864, from (6) Remittent fever incurred in the service aforesaid and whilst in the line of duty, (7) during a [?] from Paris Ky to Point Burnside.

She further declares that she was married to the said John McFann on the 25 day of May in the year 1851: that her husband the aforsaid John McFann died on the day above mentioned and that she (8) has always remained a widow since his death as will more fully appear by reference to the proof hereto annexed.

She also declares that she has not, in any manner, been engaged in, or aided or abetted, the rebellion in the United States. She appoints R. S. Thaun[?] of Louisville Ky her attorney with full power of substitution and revocation in her said behalf, and authorizes him to receive the Pension Certificate when issued. Her Post Office is at Lyra P.O., in the County of Scioto (Vernon Tp) in the State of Ohio. That her domicil or place of abode is (9) about three quarters of a mile west of Lyra Post Office.

That (10) five children survive the deceased John McFann, Eliza Ann, born on the 14 day of July 1852; Margaret Ann, born on the 29 day of Nov 1856; John Wesley, born on the 20 day of Sept 1858; Emma Jane, born on the 17 day of Oct, 1860; David Elmer, born on the 22 day of Oct, 1863.

[her mark:] Sabina McFann


Copy of Marriage Certificate, 14 June 1864:

State of Ohio, Scioto County
Probate Court

The following marriage certificate appears of record in the proper marriage records of said court, Volume C, Page 211, in the words and figures following, to wit:
"I do hereby certify that on the 25th day of May A.D. 1851 John McFann and Sabina Malone were legally joined in marriage by me, F. C. Searl J.P."
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said court this 14th day of June A.D. 1864
F. C. Searl
Probate Judge of Scioto County Ohio

Affidavit of Margaret Malone, 3 November 1866:

State of Ohio, Scioto County, SS:

Before me judge of the Probate Court in and for the said county personally came Margaret Malone to me well known to be a credible witness and being by me duly sworn makes oath and says that she was well acquainted with John McFann who was a private in Co D. of the 1st regt of Heavy Art Ohio Vols. and with Sabina McFann his wife (now his widow) for fifteen years that there was born to the said John McFann and Sabina McFann while living together as husband and wife in lawful wedlock the following named children born on the dates following to wit: Eliza A McFann born on the 14th day of July 1852, Margaret McFann born on the 29th day of November 1856, John W McFann born on the 20th day of September 1858, Emma J McFann born on the 17th day of October 1860 and David E McFann born on the 22 day of October 1863 and that said children are all living, are now and have been since the death of the said John McFann provided for and supported by the said mother Sabina McFann and that they are the only children living of the said John McFann or of the said Sabina McFann [and] that she has for all of said time resided near said John McFann and Sabina McFann and has personal knowledge of the age of all of said children, that she was present and assisted in the confinement of the said Sabina McFann at the birth of the said John W McFann and David E McFann, that she does not believe any physician was present at the birth of either of said children or that any record of any of their births exist and that she has no interest in the application of the said Sabina McFann for increase of pension.

[signed:] Margaret Malone

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of November 1866. I further certify that I have no interest direct or indirect for increase of pension of said Sabina McFann and that said Margaret Malone is credible witness.

F. C. Searl
Probate Judge

Photocopies of the documents were obtained by mail from the National Archives and transcribed by Brian McFann